On Mon, 31 Jul 2000, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:

> I don't think we're advocating its (their) complete demise, just the
> transition out of the core.  (Which would, of course, still require a
> change to the scripts to 'use Format;'.  Hmmm, perhaps all of
> formatting that is left in the core would be to 'use Format;' when you
> see format creation.)

I'd like to see a lot of things transition out of the core--I'd be
thrilled if we could chop down the number of different opcodes that are
essentially functions to near zero. (like localtime, the socket stuff,
things like that) What would be even better would be to have both a cheap
C opcode func call (like a stripped down sub call without the frills) and
some means to let the parser know to automatically use things. (A
function->module mapping, maybe with some sort of intermediary 'module'
that lives somewhere between pp.c and an XS module)

This is more an internals thing--CC'd there, and followups ought to move
there instead of the language list, I think.


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