Damian Conway wrote:
>    > Of all the items up for change in Perl6, these two bother me the most.
>    > Format less so than localtime, but I still worry about breakage.
>    >
>    > The original format stuff HAS to be kept. Don't document it so as not to
>    > encourage its use. Play up Text::Autoformat::form if you wish, but there
>    > will be way too much breakage/too little updateage if hundreds of old
>    > web log scripts have to be ripped out upon installation of Perl6.
> Only if you simultaneously remove Perl 5!
> My (limited) understanding of the aims of Perl 6 were to start again with a
> clean slate and fix the things that are broken, or that could be designed
> better with hindsight.  Backwards compatibily was to be fed to the lions.

Chuckle, chuckle. Gee I guess we need more voices like yours to remind
us what the goal is. I guess it is all too easy for any one person to
locate their one or two small pieces of Perl turf they don't want
touched. Problem is, when you add up all those little pieces, you end up
having to embed a full Perl5 interpreter inside the Perl6 interpreter
(a/la x86 cores in new architecture Intel chips) just to keep everyone

I withdraw. Install Perl6 into /opt/perl/6.0.0. Change she-bangs and
PATH as necessary.

Which leads me to the question:

Where do we discuss where to install modules? The prime question being
how do we keep modules installed for multiple versions of Perl? I
haven't yet seen that discussion, but it is one I want to participate
in. My current methods of using


and mucking about with PERL5LIB for each are, in a phrase, a RPITA.

Matthew O. Persico
"If you were supposed to understand it,
we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx

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