>>>>> "RLS" == Randal L Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

RLS> But yes, the manuals should be completely self-contained and not
RLS> require examining some C doc.

RLS> I disagree with keeping the same name as a Unix function, but having a
RLS> radically different calling sequence or return value.  If you want a
RLS> new interface, *name* a new interface.


This thought seems to lead to having a layered approach.

There would/could be a prefered portable layer. That may be
implemented upon a native layer. The native layer would be available
for those that prefer the C interface.

Architecture Layers that aren't native could be ported so that useful
modules could be easily used (for some value of easily).

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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