Graham Barr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 10:27:08PM +0300, Ariel Scolnicov wrote:
> >    multimap operation list-of-lists     # uurgh.
> This made me think of something else that came up in a discussion with Larry
> after the conference.
> The discussion started off with the ability to do
>   for ($a,$b) (@list) { ... }
> and go through the list in steps of two, or whatever the number of vars were.

Python has a similar multi var for loop, but they assume @list to be a
2-dim thingy in a case like this.  It means that the statement above
would be interpreted as:

 for (@list) {
     ($a, $b) = @$_;

The bad thing about this interpretation for perl is that it makes the
single loop variable a special case.

> But then went onto interators and something like
>   @list = interleave(@a,@b,@c);
> which would interleave the lists given, and
>   foreach ($a,$b,$c) (interleave(@a,@b,@c))

The upcoming Python (v2.0) introduces a builtin called zip() that does
the same thing:

  for a,b,c in zip(aa,bb,cc):

There are also question on how long the resulting list should be if
@a, @b, @c is not of the same length.  I think zip() was defined to
stop when the first list runs out.

Python also has a map function that can take multiple lists and iterate
over them in sync.  E.g.

  map(func, list1, list2, list3)

where 'func' must be a function taking 3 arguments.  Can't see how to
easily extend perl's map in that way.  Perhaps we could introduce
map2, map3,... builtins? :-)


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