Peter Scott wrote:
> I'll say up front that I have no good idea as to how to implement this,
> hence the lack of RFC, but I think it's worth getting the ball rolling to
> see if there's enough collective intelligence and inclination to make
> something happen.
> OO inheritance is well defined and the ways of implementing it well
> known.  What if you want to tie a variable to more than one behavior at a
> time?  (I called this multiple inheritance at first, but Damian Conway
> calls it 'stacking' and that's a better term.)  A concrete example would be
> wanting something tied to MLDBM and IxHash at the same time.  The code to
> handle this at present is... interesting.
> Is it at all possible to define interfaces for tie-ing that would
> facilitate stacking?  Do we care?
> --
> Peter Scott
> Pacific Systems Design Technologies

  Perhaps stackable tie-ing and stackable filehandles can both be
implemented as specific examples of something more general.

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