[Could we get the librarian to cc: the RFC owner and hide
 replies from the announcement list?]

Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
> That is, the expression:
>         $check = __ < 2 + __ * atan($pi/__) or die __;
> is equivalent to:
>         $check = sub (;$$$$) {
>                 $_[0] < 2 + $_[1] * atan($pi/$_[3]) or die $_[4]
>         };

I *really* like it. If the internals implement this well (and it
has to be *really* fast and slim) this could have enormous impact.
This feature combined with a decent macro system could implement
many core-like special forms in external modules.

>         $root->traverse( $sum += __ );

There's a syntactic ambiguity here. I assumed that __ "poisons" an
expression so that an entire parse tree gets transformed into a
closure. If you isolate the parse tree based on expression precedence,
then I'm not sure why the += example works.

And this one is worse:

>         $check = sub (;$$$$) {
>                   @_==0 ?  __ < 2 + __ * atan($pi/__) or die __
>                 : @_==1 ?  $_[0] < 2 + __ * atan($pi/__) or die __
>                 : @_==2 ?  $_[0] < 2 + $_[1] * atan($pi/__) or die __
>                 : @_==3 ?  $_[0] < 2 + $_[1] * atan($pi/$_[1]) or die __
>                 :          $_[0] < 2 + $_[1] * atan($pi/$_[1]) or die $_[1]
>                 ;
>         };

Why isn't the ?: operator part of the curry?

I think we need a curry context and that all curries must be surrounded
by parens. There should be a curry prototype for subs too. reduce can be
written as:

  sub reduce (_@) { ... }

Curries formed outside of a default curry context must be forced into
the context with curry().

If we adopt curry context and parens, then the __ can be automatically
inserted in some situations.

Here are some examples.

  sub traverse ($_);
  my $sum = 0;
  $root->traverse(($sum += __));

  my @flattened = ();
  $root->traverse((push @flattened, __));

  sub reduce (_@);
  $sum = reduce (+) (0, @nums);

  $pred = shift || curry(__ ne '');
  if (&$pred($x)) { ... }

The use of parens as the curry delimiter is probably a poor choice
because of confusion with function call syntax and list context. I'm
pretty certain the parser could handle it, but I'm not sure about
the perl programmers...

- Ken

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