Damian Conway said:
> switch ( $x < __ ) {
> case 0 { print "negative" }
> case 1 { print "unity" }
> case any(2..9) { print "small" }
> case @list { print "in range" }
> }
Now _that's_ the coolest thing I've seen since, well, umm, this morning,
when I read the original RFC.

Damian, a lot of your RFCs integrate together to provide some pretty
powerful capabilities (what a coincidence ;-) To mere mortals like myself,
some of these are non-obvious. To beings of a higher plane some are
non-obvious too, because some of the RFCs haven't been written yet...

Is there a chance at some point you could give a high-level overview of
ConwayPerl? In particular, how reduce, semi-finite lists, higher-order
functions, generalised iterators, lazy evaluation of argument lists, and
superpositions fit together? Maybe a little snippet of code in ConwayPerl
which defines and then does some interesting operations on and reductions of
columns of a sparse matrix/tensor, for instance?...

I know you've got nothing else to do right now ;-)

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