I'm not sure it makes sense, I'd really like to get rid of the last
propogating out of a sub. (or a grep/map). 

But if that doesn't fly, we do have Damian's new yield keyword
available to do it.


>>>>> "JH" == Jarkko Hietaniemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JH> I think we need a general way of short-circuiting out of a grep
JH> (and other list iterating funcs, if it makes sense...)  We may
JH> need both success and failure short-circuits?  It's a pity 'last'
JH> already has semantics there, not to mention return...

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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