On Sat, 05 Aug 2000, Nathan Wiger wrote:

> > Here in my pre-caffiene morning trance it occurs to me that a few of
> > the "fringe" features of perl should be removed from the langauge.
> > Here's a few things that I would venture to say that none of the
> > "perl5 is my first perl" people have probably ever actually used.
> > 
> >         reset           # How often do you clear variables wholesale?
> >         dump
> >         study           # never been a win for me.

Perl5 is my first Perl.
I use study on occasion.

> >         ?pattern?       # one-time match
> >         split ?pat?     # implicit split to @_

Which is currently labeled as deprecated, I believe.  Most things
labeled (or treated, such as pre-pod embedded docstrings) as
deprecated should/could be removed.

> > What's everyone's feeling on removing these from perl6?  How often are
> > they used?

Bryan C. Warnock

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