At 01:11 PM 8/3/00 -0500, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

>BTW, I propose that RFCs have a Status: field as part of the VERSION.
>Here are some possible values that I can see:
>Status: accepted     # we all agree that it should go in
>Status: rejected     # we all agree that it shouldn't go in
>Status: tabled       # shelved, put away for now

Since I have been lead to believe that in standard US practice, "to table" 
means to stop talking about something for now, and in standard UK practice 
"to table" means to bring up for discussion, I suggest that the last be 
"Status: postponed" instead of "Status: tabled".

But then, I'm so far behind on my perl6 mail that someone else may have 
suggested that.

>Jonathan Scott Duff

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