On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 11:12:40AM -0500, Brust, Corwin wrote:
> From: Simply Hao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> <snip>
> >> might want to consider removing chomp() and possibly chop().
> >
> >They're faster than regexes, right?
> </snip>
> Dunno about faster but mmmm so sweet.
> I like 
>       while (<>) { print chomp } 
> better then
>       while (<>{ 
>         s/$/$//;
>         print
>       }
> and it *seems* like it would be faster

Someone proposed (I think I deleted that email) to make 

        while (<FH>) { ...  }

work like 

        while (<FH>) { chomp; ... }

If this were to happen, then I'd fully support removing chomp() from
the language as long as there was a way to turn that behavior on and
off, of course. (use/no chomping anyone?)  We're going to have to
revisit chomp() anyway if we make $/ per-filehandle because chomp()
acts on strings, not filehandles.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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