From: Ted Ashton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> I don't particularly mind the last two - in fact they add some benefits
>> (like not modifying the original), which are nice to have. However, that
>> first one, frankly, drives me nuts.
>Please reread the proposal.  chomp() called in void context continues to 
>work exactly as it does now.  None of the above need to change.  

give our code is:

for (chomp(<>)) { print }
I'm finding this use of void context confusing.  

Normaly I would take that to mean that the caller has provided a context for
the call, however this is obvously not the case here. I beleive that for()
calls chomp in array context.  

Even if I had used while() as my example, chomp would have had a calling

Would someone be kind enought to explain 'void context' as used above?


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