Dan Sugalski wrote:

> While it may not be correct, at least it's exact. If we go with an inexact
> representation, we run the risk of accumulating errors and eventually
> ending up with a number that's both inexact and incorrect.
> Dan Sugalski                          the even samurai

Why not introduce "precision" in a chemistry (or engineering?) sense
to our language?  Precision is widely misunderstood in computer circles.

What if the generic perl6 floating point datum gets not only an
exponent and a mantissa, but an exponent, a mantissa, and a precision?

Those who need incredible precision could crank it up, those who need
correct precision would have it (provided all their tools are precision-compliant)

                          David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                               On hold for tech support since 1995

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