>From the Perl6-language list:
On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Bart Lateur wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 17:21:44 +0300, Jason Elbaum wrote:
> >   \x          match lowercase alpha char
> >    \X          match uppercase alpha char
> You've got my vote, apart from one tiny detail: \x is already in use. 

        I'd also like to see a combined version that just says "match a
letter, regardless of case."  Other than that, I think this is great.

        Here's my question of procedure:  plenty of times on these lists,
I see something that I think is a really good idea.  I don't want to waste
bandwidth by posting just a "me too!", but I also don't want the idea to
die because no one weighed in in support of it.

        Is there a mechanism in place for this, or could we set up
something on the website for voting on the RFCs (perhaps with conditions,
like "I agree with this as long as XYZ is [not] done")?


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