At 03:14 PM 8/15/00 -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> > All variables should be C<$x>. They should behave appropriately
> > according to their object types and methods.
>No thanks.  I frequently use variables $foo, @foo, and %foo at the same
>time when they contain the same information in different formats.  For
>     $args = 'first second third';
>     @args = split (' ', $args);
>     my $i = 0;
>     %args = map { $_ => ++$i } @args;
>This is very Perlish to me; the punctuation is part of the variable name
>and disambiguates nicely.  I'd be very upset if this idiom went away.

What he said.  Several things have occasionally struck me as standing 
improvement in Perl; this has never been one of them.  It's always been 
very intuitive and easy to understand for me.

Methinks the language list is starting to hit the ozone layer.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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