At 04:12 PM 8/17/00 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 10:35:09AM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> >I agree. I think the trend should be to establish some permanent
> >sublists, which we're informally leaning towards already. Something
> >like:
> >
> >   -io       = ALL I/O issues, like open/socket/filehandles
> >   -subs     = ALL sub/method/func issues, like lvalue subs
> >   -strict   = ALL lexical/global variable scoping issues
> >   -objects  = ALL OO and module issues
> >   -flow     = ALL flow/threading issues
> >   -errors   = ALL error handling issues
> >   -datetime = ALL date/time/etc issue
>Yup, this works for me.
>Ask, can you change the deadlines on these lists to be "as long as it
>takes" or similar?

Sorry I didn't chime in earlier, but I would like to say that I prefer 
published deadlines.  Reason: people will talk for as long as you give 
'em.  However long a meeting is scheduled for, that's how long it will 
take.  We're already reaching the point of diminishing returns in several 
discussions IMHO; if we let 'em drag on forever they may turn ugly.

Besides, the -internals folk are waiting to see what they need to get going 
on.  And I would think we'd want a time when we knew Larry could get going 
on the RFCs without wondering whether something else was going to romp out 
of the starting gate.
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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