On Wed, 16 Aug 2000, Peter Scott wrote:

> >Ask, can you change the deadlines on these lists to be "as long as it
> >takes" or similar?
> Sorry I didn't chime in earlier, but I would like to say that I prefer 
> published deadlines.  Reason: people will talk for as long as you give 
> 'em.  However long a meeting is scheduled for, that's how long it will 
> take.  We're already reaching the point of diminishing returns in several 
> discussions IMHO; if we let 'em drag on forever they may turn ugly.

Something like that was also the original intention for having
"deadlines" (shamelines) in the first place. 

They should be used not as "uhu, the time is up. We gotta stop so
there won't be any IO in perl6" but rather as "hey, we hit the date
again. If we haven't gotten anything done we probably did something
wrong and should think about how it is we're trying to reach the

 - ask

ask bjoern hansen - <http://www.netcetera.dk/~ask/>
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