On Fri, Aug 18, 2000 at 05:22:17PM -0500, David L. Nicol wrote:
>RFC:  Perl6 is Final.  There will Be No Perl7
>RFC:  Everything is Accessible and Mutable
>RFC:  The perl6 reference implementation, no matter how slow it is,
>will be written in perl5, in some kind of well defined virtual machine.
>RFC:  It's all exception handling.  
>RFC: Implemnentation:  Unified containers are trees of storage nodes,
>and we do our own memory management with them
>RFC:  Garbage collection:  We keep reference counting, with a big
>node pool, occasionally defragment it if we can, to free the top of it.

Almost all of these are internals fodder, not language topics.  David,
could you re-post this list to -internals and take discussion over
there, please?


Kirrily Robert -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://netizen.com.au/
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