> You could "kinda" make it look like a "real" function, as has occasionally
> been suggested:
> But before that gets too much support, that has several problems.
> First, unless you have rather clever new context coercion prototypes
> of type regex (which would let us define split(), too, though)

I actually half-heartedly suggested this last night on a considerable
amount of beer :-), but ran into the same issues you mention. I do think
it's worth considering if we're dead-set on losing =~. It might also be
worth looking at Ed Mill's suggestion of putting the incoming string all
the way to the right. Then we could make it look like split and join:

   match /pattern/flags, $string
   subst /pattern/newpattern/flags, $string

The more I look at that, the more I like it. Very consistent with split
and join. You can now potentially match on @multiple_strings too.

Something else I threw out that maybe people didn't see was just using
=, ==, and !=:

   $x == m/stuff/;         # == replaces =~
   $x != m/stuff/;         # != replaces !~
   $r = m/stuff/;          # same as current
   $r = ($x == m/stuff/);  # == replaces =~

This would require redoing/overloading these, but that's an internals
quesion methinks.

The last alternative is to come up with a matching operator:

   ma    -   "matches" (like eq)
   nm    -   "not matches" (like ne)

   $x ma /stuff/;
   $x nm /stuff/;

But I think door #1 or #2 is better. I actually think I like the
function form alot.


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