"Jeremy Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Oops, a correction. [..] should mean 'the set of all integers'. _Not_ the
> > univeral set. So my code snippet should be:
> >   @i = [..];    # @i contains the integers
> >   $s = sum (grep 0<__<=100 @i);
> >   print "The sum of the 1st 100 integers is: $s";
> >
> Oh dear, another correction! I meant, of course:
>   @i = (..);
> not
>   @i = [..];
> It just goes to prove that Sunday morning is a poor time to sit in front of
> a computer... Time to go outside!

This (and your preceeding messages on the subject) is unfortunately
not possible to do in a clean manner; for that matter, neither is the
(..0) proposal.  The I<order> in which results are produced depends on
the order in which you generate the elements of (..).  Since there's
no universally "good" order of the integers (do you take
0,-1,+1,-2,+2,...; or maybe 0, -1,-2, 1,2,3, -3,-4,-5,-6, 4,5,6,7,8;
or any other order), there's no way `grep' can generate the results in 
the correct order.  But this iterator B<is> an iterator; in
particular, you I<expect> a well-defined order.

As an example, consider this code (which uses some other language

  @ints = (..);
  @threes = grep {(-100 <= $_ <= 100) && ($_ % 3 == 0)} @ints;

"Clearly", we should have in @threes the list
(-99,-96,...,0,3,...,96,99).  The list is lazy, of course (so trying
to access elements after 99 is an infinite loop), but even so I see no 
way of generating the elements in the correct order (for a general
grep predicate).  So laziness "at the start" of the list means you can 
never generate -99 as the first element, since there might be a
previous element!

So the best any language can do with the above code is generate some
permutation of (-99,...,99).

But as soon as you're specifying some well-ordering of the integers,
you might as well use C<@ints = map {well_order $_} (1..)>, where
well_order is a bijection of the natural numbers onto the integeers.
Note that the ordering is different than ...,-2,-1,0,1,2,...

Similarly, the only useful meaning of C<@negs = (..-1)> would simply
be C<@negs = map {-$_} (1..)>, and the ordering of the result is again 

Somebody please prove me wrong by writing useful-looking code that
does not depend on the order of elements, and will work with this sort 
of "disordered iterator"!

Ariel Scolnicov        |"GCAAGAATTGAACTGTAG"            | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Compugen Ltd.          |Tel: +972-2-6795059 (Jerusalem) \ We recycle all our Hz
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