Glenn Linderman wrote:
>Amen to the below.  So can we have an RFC 111 (v4) that gets rid of allowing
>stuff after the terminator?  Even the ";" afterward seems useless... the ";"
>should be at the end of the statement, not the end of the here doc.  The only
>improvement to here docs I see in this RFC is to allow whitespace before/after
>the here doc terminator.  The rest is handled adequately and consistently 
>and Tom's dequote is adequate to eliminate leading white space... especially
>among people who cannot agree that a tab in a file means "mod 8" (which it

The semicolon, as you point out, belongs on the statement at the
head of the here doc. The proposal to allow a semicolon at the end
is mere window-dressing. Aesthetics only. Personally, I have used
editors and pretty-printers that could handle here-docs except that
they thought that the "statement" without a semicolon meant that
all subsequent lines should be indented. I have had to resort to:

    $foo = <<HERE;

Yes, the obvious solution is to get a better editor/pretty printer.
Not always an option. 

But, as I said, it's mere aesthetics. Perhaps not worth changing the
language to accommodate the minority of people who have inferior tools.

But why not allow a comment?  Can't think of a use for one?
Michael Schwern, whom you quote, points out that the here doc tag
ought to be self-documenting, and he is 100% correct. But comments
are used for more than documentation. Ever write a note to yourself
or to the next programmer in a comment?

    $foo = <<TABLE_OF_GOODS;
TABLE_OF_GOODS     # must combine with TABLE_OF_SUPPLIES, below, someday

Sure, you can put that comment in a different place, with little harm.
But as long as we're proposing allowing whitespace before/after the
doc tag, comments are a Good Thing, imho.

 Eric J. Roode,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]           print  scalar  reverse  sort
 Senior Software Engineer                'tona ', 'reh', 'ekca', 'lre',
 Myxa Corporation                        '.r', 'h ', 'uj', 'p ', 'ts';

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