On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 11:49:18AM -0700, Glenn Linderman wrote:
> I'm all for solving problems, and this message attempts to specify 3
> problems, but it needs more specification.  You describe three
> problems, but it is not clear what the problems are

Since we've been charging back and forth over this ground like a troop
of doughboys over No Man's Land for the past month, I figured everyone
knew the problem and proposed solutions.  Your review accuractely lays
everything out.

>    { { { { {
>              if( $is_fitting && $is_just ) {
>                 die dequote_like('!', <<POEM);
>                 !    The old lie
>                 !  Dulce et decorum est
>                 !      Pro patria mori.
>                 POEM
>              } # this } had been omitted
>    } } } } }

Things like this have come up, and to my eyes and fingers its
unacceptable.  Some people like the explicit demarcation of the left
boundry, I find it ugly and don't like the extra typing.  It doesn't
win me much over:

    '    The old lie'.
    '  Dulce et decorum est'.
    '      Pro patria mori.';

I'd prefer if here-docs just DWIM.

So we may want to add Yet Another problem.  I forget what number you
got up to, but its basically "You shouldn't have to add anything but
whitespace to the here-doc for indenting".

An additional problem with dequote() style solutions is they are not
as efficient.  <<DOC =~ s/// and the terminator indentation can both
be applied at compile time and deparse the whole mess into a simple
string (as the prototype does), while the dequote() routine must be
run over and over again at run-time.  This can get nasty in hot loops.

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    use Benchmark;
    sub dequote_like {
      local $_ = shift;
      my ($leader);  # common white space and common leading string
      if (/^\s*(?:([^\w\s]+).*\n)(?:\s*\1.*\n)+$/) {
        $leader = quotemeta($1);
      } else {
        $leader = '';
      return $_;
    my $foo;
    timethese(shift || -3,
               dequote => sub {
                    $foo = dequote_like('!', <<POEM);
                    !    The old lie
                    !  Dulce et decorum est
                    !      Pro patria mori.
               terminator => sub {
                   use RFC::Prototype::111;
                   $foo = <<"POEM";
                       The old lie
                     Dulce et decorum est
                         Pro patria mori.
Benchmark: running dequote, terminator, each for at least 3 CPU seconds...
   dequote:  2 wallclock secs ( 3.00 usr +  0.01 sys =  3.01 CPU) @ 39857.81/s 
terminator:  3 wallclock secs ( 3.00 usr +  0.02 sys =  3.02 CPU) @ 268209.93/s 

dequote() comes out nearly seven times slower than the terminator
approach (which is basically dequote() vs a plain string).

So that's another problem to add to the list.  "here-docs should be no
slower than the equivalent string, indented or otherwise"

> The syntax for  <<POEM =~ s/regex/subst/;
> generally returns 1, and introducing a special case to make it
> return the string if the left hand side is a here-doc seems to be a
> pointless inconsistency.

I think its considered closer to the current trick of doing:

    print ($var = <<POEM) =~ s/regex/subst/;  # or something like that

Another suggestion was <<POEM =~ m/re(ge)x/.  The match would be run
over each line and $1 used to generate the here-doc.

Honestly, I'm not really the one who should be evangelizing this

> but these subs [dequote] work in perl 5 today, so don't really need
> to be part of the RFC

They most definately do.  If we're going to propose them as a solution
to the indented here-doc problem, it would be best to distribute a
collection of commonly used ones as a module with perl.


Michael G Schwern      http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just Another Stupid Consultant                      Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
slick and shiny crust
over my hairy anus
constipation sucks
        -- Ken Flagg

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