Damien Neil wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 04:12:09AM -0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
> > Add null() keyword and fundamental data type
> I think that this is better done as a special overloaded object used
> by database modules which wish to implement SQL-style tri-state logic.

It could be done as an overloaded object.  You'd have to be able to overload all
the operators, both numeric and string.

> Given that making overloaded objects fast appears to be a major
> design goal of Perl6, there should be no serious performance problems
> to this.

And it would, indeed, have to be fast.

> The one thing which this requires that Perl5 does not have is the
> ability to overload the defined() operation on an object.

And what about overloading the ternary ?: operator?  Of course, that one can be

> Other
> than that, the following code produces a usable null object:
>   package Null;
>   use overload '""'     => sub { undef },
>                bool     => sub { undef },
>                '0+'     => sub { undef },
>                nomethod => sub { bless {} };
>   sub null() { bless {}; }
>   print "   1 +    1 = ", (   1 +    1), "\n";  #    1 +    1 = 22
>   print "null +    1 = ", (null +    1), "\n";  # null +    1 =
>   print "   1 + null = ", (   1 + null), "\n";  #    1 + null =
>   print "null + null = ", (null + null), "\n";  # null + null =
>   print "defined(null) = ", defined(null), "\n"; # defined(null) = 1  (error)

Not usable, I get lots of "Use of uninitialized value in print" warnings, and do
not have use strict.

> I don't think that we would be well served by confusing the state of
> truth in core Perl any further than it is now, especially when the
> desired functionality does not need to be in the core.
> Incidentally, I'm surprised that DBI hasn't added an option to use
> an overloaded null object, if this feature is in demand.


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