On Wed, Feb 14, 2001 at 10:58:57PM -0500, Steve Simmons wrote:
> > > Note that it may not be possible to satisfy conflicting requests.  If
> > > module C<A> and module C<B> demand two different versions of the same
> > > module C<C>, the compiler should halt and state the module conflicts.
> >  
> > Pardon me for sniping at a great RFC, but I already promised the CPAN
> > workers that I'd make that last statement false.  There's no reason in
> > principle why two modules shouldn't be allowed to have their own view
> > of reality.  Just because you write Foo::bar in your module doesn't mean
> > that Perl can't know which version of Foo:: you mean.

Has anyone considered the problems associated with XS code, or whatever
its replacement is?

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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