>Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>John Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>As someone else said before me, Perl should not be changed 
>>Just Because We Can.  Aspects which have proven usefulness and
>>are deeply engrained in the Perl mindset should not be tampered
>>with just because some recent convert finds them un-Algol-like.

yet another _example_ of perl's "expert vs. newbie" snobbery.

the "perl mindset": it's what's now driving perl toward the unix
programming language "dustbin"...by driving "newbies" away.

the tchrist (christiansen) said it best, when he described perl5:
>>>...an "expert-friendly" language...

"mark twain" retorted shortly after with his classic observation:
>>>Expert-friendly languages are most often only befriended
>>>by experts.

>While teaching Perl classes I often encounter people that have a hard
>time getting used to the peculiarities _we_ are familiar with. If a
>Perl construct does not suffer from a slight change that makes it
>easier to accept by new programmers, I think such changes should be
>seriously considered.

i agree with johan...

>After all, the trainees of today are the Perl programmers of the

actually, that's a really big assumption: that perl has a future...
read eric s. raymond's comments on perl <www.useperl.org>


heretics of perl;


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