> [subject]: "It's funny. Laugh."

I know. I was having fun. We haven't had a lurktrollmuffin in here before
and it was a good diversion from the drollery of waiting...

'Sides, I happen to _like_ defending Perl from nonsensicals, especially
particularly abusive ones.

Simon Cozens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > On Sun, Feb 18, 2001 at 02:01:55AM -0800, yaphet jones wrote:
 > > gentlemen - gomen nasai!
 > dou itashimashite. I have to be honest, it's not very often I'm called
 > dimwit. Certainly not twice.

Actually, I didn't. I was laughing at it. Read that again.

Although I ordinarily avoid any semblance of hero worship in Perl, I'll
have to say I felt a certain bit of protectiveness for one of our best
contributors. Realizing you can take care of yourself, I showed
indignation only by making fun of the preposterosity. ;-)

I also know you well enough to realize that you would know where Ruby was
from (and saw your humorous redirection there), and it was revealing to
see that he didn't know this. It showed me that he probably had only one
purpose here.

 > But there is a deeper problem! People appear to be losing their sense
 > satire; this is terrible! Soon we might end up taking ourselves too
 > seriously, and then where would we be?

Maybe tomorrow you can write this in the past perfect. P5 hasn't had it
since .005.

P6 will probably get there, but maybe together we can all delay it as long
as possible.

 > (from http://www.ntk.net/)
 >                sufficiently advanced technology : the gathering
 >      The perl5-porters and their monkish acolytes huddle around camp
 >      fires at the base of Mount Imparseable, where Larry convenes with
 >      the spirit of The More Than One Way. If absolute peace is
 >      maintained, he will soon return with the
 >      Three-Hundred-And-Sixty-One Tablets of Perl 6. But as they wait,

Is that number arbitrarily chosen?

 >      in the pre-dawn East the sickly glow of RUBY grows stronger. Yes,

Naw, Ruby doesn't concern me. It has some fascinating concepts, like...

 >      Ruby, the language that says it's like Smalltalk (but is really
 >      cleaner Perlish syntax with better-than-Python-OOP and Satherish
 >      iteration) has traditionally been trapped in Japan by the Great

that iteration, but any new language has some growing to do. Python is the
one that scares me. It has very little benefit over Perl, but its momentum
still amazes me. It's very visibly superficial though.

 >      Font Divide, unable to vex its Western ancestor. But no more. The
 >      rods are cast in twain; Addison-Wesley have a book out. They've
 >      open sourced the reference section, and Dr. Dobbs, that gullible
 >      old gatekeeper, has even written a tutorial in January's issue.
 >      Larry is wise, and strong. But remember how his one regret was he
 >      didn't get to a Christian missionary? Guess what Ruby's creator
 >      used to be? A missionary in Hiroshima, Larry. In Hiroshima.

Did Larry ever say WHY he was learning Japanese? Of course, as a linguist
myself, I realize that there doesn't have to BE a reason, but I figure it
might have something to do with either unicode or hiroshiman monkery. ;-)


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