On Fri, 4 May 2001 10:49:48 -0500 , Garrett Goebel wrote:

>> > > And btw . . .  Wouldn't
>> > >
>> > >       $thing has property
>> > >
>> > > make more sense than
>> > >
>> > >       $thing is property
>> >
>> >"$foo has true" doesn't flow as well as "$foo is true".  Dunno quite
>> >what the other expected uses are.

>Maybe it is just my interpretation of Damian's OO-Perl book... but:
>is  => typing, inheritance, etc.
>has => composition, aggregation, etc.


Thinking as in VB again... I associate a property with "has", and a
default property with "is". Something like:

        $label is "Click here";
        $label has caption => "Click here";

Jeezes, this is weird stuff.


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