Larry Wall writes:
: Richard Proctor writes:
: : In Apocalypse 2, \Q is being used for two things, and I believe this may be
: : ambiguious.
: : 
: : It has the current \Quote meaning admitibly \Q{oute} it is also being
: : proposed for a null token disambiguate context.  As in $foo\Q[bar].
: Hmm, yes, that's a problem.  I'd forgotten about the quotemeta kludge.
: I'll have to think about it.  Maybe quotemeta becomes \qm{} or some such.

I guess that might also mean that \L turns into \ql{} and \U turns into
\qu{}.  Hmm.  That would mean that

    $x = ql{$(EXPR)};

means the same thing as lc(EXPR).  Interesting.

Don't panic, I'm just thinking out loud...


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