On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 08:08:54PM -0700, Daniel S. Wilkerson wrote:
> Damian Conway wrote:
> > You may also be wondering what happens if a variable and the value it
> > contains both have a property of the same name. The answer is that we
> > always get back the variable's property in preference to the value's:
> >
> >         my $var is Purpose("var demo") = 1 is Purpose("val demo");
> >
> >         print $var.Purpose;     # prints "var demo", not "val demo"
> >
> > To be sure of getting the value's property instead, we simply I<evaluate>
> > the variable first:
> >
> >         print (+$var).Purpose;  # prints "val demo", not "var demo"

eaagggh! convolution alert..

I really think this is the wrong, wrong, way to go.

Why can't variable properties and value properties be the same thing?

$ARGS is chomped;
$ARGS.chomped = 1; # same difference

my $string = "value";
print $string.value;  # prints 'value'

my $num = 0 is true;
print $num.true;  # prints 1;

print %{$num.prop}      # prints all of the properties/attributes associated 
                        # with an object.

Agreed that this makes the namespace for each built-in variable a bit polluted,
but hell, the amount of confusion that this would save would be tremendous.

Either that, or properties are stored in their own hash: 

$ARGS is chomped;
$ARGS.prop.chomped = 1;

my $string = "value";
print $string.prop.value;  # prints 'value'

my $num = 0 is true;
print $num.prop.true;  # prints 1;

> write (+$var).Purpose.  First, I think it can be argued that this is much uglier
> than the $var->{value} syntax that we used to use (under more restricted

very much agreed. I'd be typing "(+$var).whatever" a hell of a lot.

> different semantics.  Perhaps "." for value properties and "has" for variable
> properties.  This syntax would also allow the verb "has" to have a *declarative*

simpler solution: merge the two concepts, 'attributes' and 'properties', and
make 'properties' a specialized form of attributes.

> Epilogue: I notice that it was rather a bit of effort to write the above paragraphs
> and keep my English straight as to whether I was talking about the properties of
> the variable $var or of the value of $var.  I submit that the fact that it is
> difficult to talk clearly about this should be a red flag.  Mixing program and data

damn straight.

> as we are (also called "level-crossing") is very powerful, but making it so
> difficult to syntactically disambiguate between them is a recipe for debugging
> pain.

likewise true.


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