Scott Duff wrote:

   > >         $bar is Open;
   > >         $bar is Open("from 5pm");
   > >         $bar{soom} is Open("from 5pm");
   > >         "bar" is Open("from 5pm");
   > >         1 is Open("from 5pm");
   > > 
   > > Note that in the first three of the above cases, it's the I<value in the
   > > variable> -- not the variable itself -- that has the C<Open> sticky-note
   > > attached to it.
   > How do we know it applies to the value and not the variable?

Variables can only be ascribed properties in a declaration.

   > Is it the presence of "my" that would make the difference?

   > What about these:
   >    our $food is ready;             # compile-time?


   >    temp $erature is rising;        # run-time?


   > And if it is the "my" that makes all the difference, this will need
   > good documentation (and appropriate warnings):
   >    sub CheckBar { ... return my $bar is Open; }

"Useless use of variable property at line..."

   > > You may also be wondering what happens if a variable and the value it
   > > contains both have a property of the same name. The answer is that we
   > > always get back the variable's property in preference to the value's:
   > So, if I have a Dog $spot, here's a little table where a 1 in the M
   > column means $spot has a bark method that says 'woof', 1 in the V column
   > means $spot has a bark variable (compile-time) property that says 'arf'
   > and a 1 in the A column means $spot has a bark value (run-time) property
   > that says 'yip'.

Except that it would be the object reference in $spot that had the run-time

   > MVA        $spot.bark      (+$spot).bark
   > 000        Error           Error
   > 001        yip             yip
   > 010        arf             Error
   > 011        arf             yip
   > 100        woof            woof
   > 101        woof            woof
   > 110        woof            woof
   > 111        woof            woof
   > yes?



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