Jonathan Scott Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 01:13:42PM -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote:
>> It does make me think, though... Would it make sense to have an
>> accessor operator? For example, in Perl5 I would do this:
>>      sub foo {
>>              my $self = shift;
>>              my $old = $self->{foo};
>>              # So $obj->foo(undef) will work
>>              if (@_) {
>>                      $self->{foo} = shift @_;
>>              }
>>              return $old;
>>      }
>> In Perl6 with the unary ., that becomes:
>>      sub .foo (*@args) {
>>              my $old = $.{foo};
>>              # So $ will work
>>              $.{foo} = shift @args if @args;
>>              return $old;
>>      }
> Actually, I think it becomes:
>       sub foo is method {
>          my $old = .foo;
>          .foo = shift if @_;
>          return $old;
>       }
> But, I could be wrong.  Any Damians care to enlighten?  :-)

    Perl 6                   Perl 5

    my $old = .foo           my $old = $self->foo;

    my $old = $.foo          Um... ah... It's accessing an instance
                             variable. Which Perl 5 doesn't have.
                             well, you can mock it up with:
                             Note that this is a variable that is
                             inaccessible to anything but the object's


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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