Aaron Sherman wrote:

> > Er, what?!?  Who said we're dropping "until"?  Did I miss something?
> Well, if there's no while (replaced by generic "loop", per Apoc4) why
> would there be an until?

As Aaron himself has discovered, neither C<while> nor C<until> is being
dropped from Perl 6.

Incidently, even C<do {...} while ...> is still allowed. We're just changing
its semantics slightly (it no longer iterates once before the conditional
check) so that it's consistent with the rest of Perl 6.

> Ok, once more for those in the cheap seats (no offense, it's just a lot
> of people seemed to have ignored the thread until now and jumped in
> without the context), this is how we got here:
> 1. Larry says loops will have "ELSE blocks" inside them.

No, Allison said that. And she was wearing her Devil's Advocate hat at the time.

> So, the answer to your question is: yes, I do propose that there should
> be an elsif, elsloop and elsfor. That's it. Three words, not an
> expansive list of ever-more-complex words.

....and 'elswhile'. *Four* words: 'elsif', 'elsloop', 'elsfor', 'elswhile', and
'elsuntil'. *Five* words...

*No-one* expects the Spanish Inquisition!



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