On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 02:47:56PM -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-05-01 at 12:22, Allison Randal wrote:
> > You also avoid totally annoying Pythonists who occasionally use (and
> > might be converted to) Perl. :)
> ... 
> Perl is fundamentally different in its approach and just as a Pythoner
> will have to swallow hard and squint to understand other polymorphic
> and context-sensitive aspects of Perl containers, so too will they
> have to get over this distinction.
> I'm not slighting Python here. I'm just saying that there's a learning
> curve fraught with dangerous similarities in both directions, and
> constructing Perl to accommodate that transition does not seem to be
> particularly wise.

Yes, accommodating Pythonies is not a good primary reason for using a
different keyword. But it's a nice side benefit of what seems to be the
best option (so far) for independent reasons (Damian's post summed up
and solidified the discussion quite nicely).


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