Jonathan Scott Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Miko O'Sullivan wrote:
> > Damian said:
> > >     6. C<otherwise> would seem to fit the bill rather nicely.
> > 
> > To me, "otherwise" is a synonym for "else", and that makes it too
> > confusingly similar.  I foresee forever explaining to people the difference
> > between C<else> and C<otherwise>.  I'm not sure if C<otherwise> is popular
> > because it is similar to C<else>, but I think the similarity is a reason
> > *not* to use it.

I don't care about the similarity in meaning, the visual distinction would be
nice though.

> I actually think exactly the opposite.  In my mind "otherwise" would
> just be a synonym for "else" so that 
>       loop { ... } else { ... }
>       loop { ... } otherwise { ... }
> would both be syntactically valid.  We would just encourage people to
> use the "otherwise" version for understandability.  Since there's no
> difference between them, there's nothing to explain there, thus no
> confusion.

This now becomes confusing (to me):

if ($foo = 'bar') {
    loop {
    else {

and this insane:

loop {
else {
} if ...;

Where if you intent say the normal 1-3 times then it might be VERY confusing to see 
conditionals and loops.  I think the fall through (currently mumbled as 'otherwise') 
should be a
different keyword to make it visually distinct.  I suspect Larry has the solution.

Anyone who hasn't seen virtually impossible to avoid intents to the 6th (or 
thereabouts) level
should email me for a sample.  The Games::Golf, _unix_capture() method has them 
because it's
combining signals (requiring double eval), IPC::Open3 and limits (on output length, 
time etc).  I
should make this a plea for a bugfix team, it's riddled with them. ;-)

However, the currect interface for IO::Select and this loop/otherwise type construct 
would be
great fun.  Whenever it's included, can someone please travel back in time and put in 
into Perl 5,

> Hmm.  I wonder why the python community (apparently) have no problems
> with elses on loops:

I hazard a guess that facist whitespace rules have something to do with it.

Jonatha Paton

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