On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 10:48:06PM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
> Hmm... I like it. It took me a good 6 months before I learned how to use 
> CPAN. I don't see how your proposal is that different from:
>   alias cpan='perl -MCPAN -e shell'

CPAN.pm already installs a cpan program for you that's exactly that.

schwern@blackrider:/usr/local/src/CPAN/CPAN-1.61$ cat cpan 

use CPAN;

As for the rest of the message, this all seems to already exist, in one
form or another, in the CPAN shell or CPANPLUS shell.  If you want to see a
better CPAN shell, don't wait for Perl 6!  Help the CPANPLUS folks out now!

> But I get the idea.  Someone (well, you've inspired me now, so I) could 
> write a perl5 equivilent, because command line is quite nice.  I'll see 
> how it flies with my next class.
> More comments below.
> On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Miko O'Sullivan wrote:
> > [This seems like a good time to post something that's been on my mind for
> > some time.]
> Sure. It's been pretty dull around here.
> > 
> > A few brief philosphical points:
> > 
> >   1) People like languages that have tons of built-in
> >       doohickeys. See PHP and Java.
> See Perl 5 (though PHP and Java far exceed it, in doohickeys)
> >   2) Instead of a huge standard library, a really easy to use CPAN
> >       client allows programmers to have the world of modules almost
> >       as easily as built-in, and with the advantage of up-to-date-ness
> >       and quantity.
> Indeed. And it should be _really_ easy to install to a different source 
> tree and have Perl use it. I want more modules on systems I don't 
> administrate, and asking for them is a pain.
> > The command above would ask the user if they want to install using the
> > current directory as the root of library tree, and is also mentions that if
> > they want to specify another dir they can use this command:
> > 
> >    cpan --lib ~/lib load Date::EzDate
> Hmm... yeah, I think that's as easy as library root's gonna get. I like 
> C<install> better than C<load>, though.


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