On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 04:13:36PM +0100, Simon Cozens wrote:

Hmm, June 4.  Independence day, with an off by 1 error.  Must be a C
program involved somewhere.  :-)

In brief, I'm with Damien on this one.  IMHO C++ is an ugly bastard of
a programming language because they cut the cord ineffectively and
much too late in the process.  OOPerl is an ugly bastard of a language.
We have the opportunity to clean that up; we should sieze it.

As for CPAN . . . don't get me started.  CPAN is a blessing, but has
become a curse as well.  It's contents need to be razed to the ground
and better/more conistant rules set up for how to do installations
into and out of the standard trees.  If you think this is a bitch now,
just wait until simultaneous per-author and per-version installation
and invocation is allowed as Larry has promised.  I have this horrible
fear of perl module installations becoming a bowl of spagetti that's
been run thru a blender and mixed with a packet of jello.  Speaking as a
20+-year sysadmin, if CPAN is used for Perl6 with those new features
and without a massive clean, I foresee a nightmare.

We have said that perl5 will be *mostly* mechanically translatable into
perl6.  IMHO, that's close enough.  Full backwards compatibility leads
to paralysis or an even further expansion of the complexity and
bizarreness that is all too often perl.  We should draw the line on
translation at a program that will translate p5 source to p6 source.
We should not auto-compile it and tolerate it forever; that way lies

Sorry to be so pessistic and negative, but that's my story and I'm
sticking to it.

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