--- David Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/6/02 11:43 PM, "Damian Conway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> claimed:
> >>         / $2:=(.*?), \h* $1:=(.*) /
> >> 
> >> Does this imply that $1, $2, etc are now read-write outside of regexen?
> > 
> > No.
> Maybe this is a RTFM question, but does Perl 6 (or Perl 5, for that matter)
> have some magical array that holds all the matches from the last match?
> e.g., ($1, $2, $3, ...)?

A5, under "RFC 072: Variable-length lookbehind":

    "Did I mention that the magical @+ and @- arrays are gonna be real dead?
     Never could remember which one was which anyway..."

Another great loss to the golfing community, I guess.  I pose my own question:

    Q. Will Perl 6 be an interesting language to golf?  Or will be the shortest
       solutions also be the most obvious (using day-to-day programming)?

       CC to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you have a __meaningful__ answer, like you've just
       re-implemented one of The Perl Review golf winners in less or a similar
       number of characters.

       I guess the golfing community would appreciate a mini-exegsis for what
       Perl 6 can do for them :)  [hint, hint]

Jonathan Paton

y'|\/-'3210',$_=join qq\\,map{s|2|10|||s|3|11|||s|^|0|;$_}
m|.|g;map{print chr unpack'N',pack'B32','0'x24 .$_}/.{8}/g

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