On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 05:10:49PM -0400, Trey Harris wrote:
> In a message dated Fri, 7 Jun 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > The most serious objection to this was 'well, use modules for matching *ml" -
> > which simply points out that the current incarnation of perl6 regex doesn'
> > t handle a very large class of matching problems very well.
> I don't think that's what people were saying at all.  They were saying you
> should use modules, not because it's too hard to do in Perl 6 regexes, but
> because *ml are well-formed, well-published languages and it doesn't make
> sense to reinvent the wheel when you're nearly certain to miss cases
> handled by the standard modules.

hmm. I thought that was perl's forte - doing quick and dirty, small scripts.

No matter how intuitive, well thought-out, or polished, working through 
a module is always going to be more restrictive than doing it through a regular
expression. It might be better in some cases, yes, but sometimes you just
want the freedom to do stuff by hand.

> Unless I'm missing something, I'm assuming that those modules, when
> rewritten in Perl 6, will be able to dump the specialized parsers and go
> to using grammars as given in A5.

No, you're not missing anything. I just don't want to be forced to be used 
modules/rules, that's all. 

And I *don't* want to backslash every damn $@#$% < I see in a XML document.
We have syntactic sugar to stop people from having to backslash \ in window's
paths, to stop people from having to backslash / inside of regular expressions.
I'd argue that being able to match *ml cleanly (and without modules or rules
or APIs) would be a hell of a lot more important.


ps - and no, I don't want to be forced to go back to use perl5's regex. If 
people do, that just shows the shortcomings of the perl6 system, IMO

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