In a message dated Sun, 9 Jun 2002, Damian Conway writes:

> Trey Harris wrote:
> > rule parsetag :w {
> >    <lt> $tagname :=    <identifier>
> >         %attrs   := [ (<identifier>) =
> >                       (<val>)
> >                     ]*
> >    /?
> >    <gt>
> > }

On second reading, it occurs to me that this wouldn't work quite right,
because the :w would imply a \s+ between <lt> and <identifier>, between
the equals, and before the <gt>.  Does an explicit space assertion in :w
automatically suppress the implicit ones on either side?  I.e., would

rule parsetag :w {
   <lt> \s* $tagname := <identifier>
            %attrs := [ (<identifier>) = <val> ]*
   \s* /?

Work?  Or would I have to be explicit about everything:

rule parsetag {
   <lt> \s* $tagname := <identifier> \s+
            %attrs := [ (<identifier>) \s* = \s*
                        (<val>) \s* ]*
   \s* /?


It strikes me that this is a problem crying out for a DWIMmy
solution--something that could deal with whitespace in a common way, i.e.,
required between tokens that can't otherwise be differentiated....  am I
missing something?


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