On Sun, 25 Aug 2002, Glenn Linderman wrote:

> Deborah Ariel Pickett wrote:
> > I'm imagining a table something like this:
> > 
> >                  Subroutine                 Pattern matching
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > Default          { code }                   / pattern /
> > delimiter
> > 
> > Declare named    sub foo <delim>            rule foo <delim>
> >                     code                      pattern
> >                  <delim>                    <delim>
> > 
> > Declare named    sub foo (args) <delim>     rule foo (args) <delim>
> > with args           code                      pattern
> >                  <delim>                    <delim>
> ....
> > [*] All right, some delimiters won't ever work, like C<$> or C<;>, but the
> > paired ones all will.
> Could you explain how parentheses (which are one of the sets of paired
> delimiters) could be available for use as <delim> in the above table,
> when it seems that they discriminate the existance of (args) ?

Why, they couldn't.  Just like in patterns.

Or it could work like s///:

        sub/$a, $b/return $a + $b/;

Or not.  I think I need to see a doctor. :o)=


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