>> Will there be automatic calling of the deserialization method 
>> for objects, so that code like this DWIMs...

>>  my Date $bday = 'June 25, 2002';

> Err... what do you mean it to do?

Wow, this is nice. He means (I think) that this will be translated into

my Date $bday = Date->new('June 25, 2002');

As far as I've understood during my hours of lurking, it has been decided that this 
will not happen, but now is also the first time I am even slightly convinced that it 
is a good idea. 

I think it is really pretty, although it could be argued that:

a) As typing the translated code yourself would be easy, the whole idea would be a 
useless complication.


b) The translation should only happen if the class defined the method 
NEW_FROM_STRING() or some such, and that method would be used instead of new(). I 
might be afraid that would also tend to bloat the class system, but I think there must 
be a way.

Maybe a class could define the method new_from($obj) which would be called if it 
existed, and whose return value would be what was assigned to the class-hinted 

Is this going to be still-born?

(unbalanced brackets are really annoying

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