Larry Wall wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Aug 2002, Ken Fox wrote:
> : Ok, thanks. (The "followed by a colon" is just to explain the behavior,
> : right? It's illegal to follow a code block with a colon, isn't it?)
> I don't see why it should be illegal--it could be useful if the closure
> has played continuation games of some sort to get backtracking.

Apoc 5 has "It is an error to use : on any atom that does no
backtracking." Code blocks don't backtrack (at least that's what
I understood Damian to say). Are zero width atoms treated specially?

And can you give me an example of a continuation game? That sounds
sort of like my original question.

Great news about backtracking into sub-rules. Perl 6 is going to
be a lovely system to work with. I think it's going to suffer a bit
from the same declarative-face vs procedural-heart** that Prolog
does, but it hits the "little language" target perfectly.

- Ken

** Prolog uses a cut (!) operator to control backtracking just like
Perl 6. A big problem (at least for me...) is learning when ! just
makes things run faster vs. when ! gives me the wrong answer. Maybe
I just haven't used Prolog enough to get my brain wrapped around it.

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