In a message dated Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Trey Harris writes:
> > So what again is wrong with:
> >
> > my Date $date = 'June 25, 2002';
> Nothing--if Date is tieable and implements a STORE method which
> instantiates a new object.

Well, now that I re-read my own comments, I have to retract this, because
you never tied $date, so there's no reason to expect STORE to be called.

BUT--if Date's TIESCALAR method provides for default arguments, I see no
reason why this couldn't work.  But since we haven't heard anything about
tied variable changes yet, who knows?

This would actually be pretty nice.  Something like

  use DB6 is database('/tmp/db1.db'), mode(0644), type(DB6.btree);
  my DB6 %foo;
  $foo{bar} = "bat"; # Autovivifies %foo, which calls TIEHASH (with
                     # arguments already defaulted in use line),
                     # then STORE


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