In a message dated Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Allison Randal writes:

> However they're defined, they will be clearly marked internally as
> properties, so there's little risk of confusing property attachment with
> inheritance.

....except that they seem to share a single namespace, since both
user-defined properties and classes have the naming convention of an
initial capital letter and following mixed-case word characters.

Since they're both introduced with C<is>, you may be able to define both a
property C<Foo> and a class C<Foo>, but you wouldn't be able to use them
both, right?

Incidentally, has there been any headway made on how you DO access
multiple classes with the same name, since Larry has (indirectly) promised
us that?  I.e., I import two classes "LinkedList" and "BTree", both of
which define a "Node" class?


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