On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 02:57:22PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> I find those difficult to read--too wordy.  At the moment I'm leaning towards
>     $a .| $b  # bitwise or
>     $a .& $b  # bitwise and
>     $a .! $b  # bitwise xor
>     .! $b     # bitwise not
>     $a ! $b   # logical xor
>     ! $b      # logical not
> I think the "." looks kind of like a bit.  A ":" would also work, and risk
> less confusion with method call syntax.  But the "." is better at getting out
> of the way visually.  

I knew you'd see things my way eventually  :-)

> As a productive prefix, it has limits, but there are actually very few
> operators that make sense to be bitified, and none of them look like a
> method name.

Could users redefine how the prefixes work and get the productions for
free?  If so, a whole crop of unanticipated bit operators might come
into play.

> I like the notion that binary ! means that the two sides are sharing
> one "not". That's the definition of XOR in a nutshell.
> I also like the idea that ~ is entirely freed up for some other
> nefarious use.

Neat x 2

Jonathan Scott Duff

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