On top of which, Damian has expressed an interest in ! for a
superpositional xor.
Which would behave how, exactly?
Well, that's still a matter for conjecture.

N-ary xor isn't particularly useful, because binary xor naturally generalizes
to: "an odd number of these N operands are true". (Hint: think about the
truth table for logical C<$a !! $b !! $c>).

An alternate interpretation of generalized xor is that it means
"exactly one of these N operands is true". That's what I envisage
superpositional C<!> doing:

	Function	Operator

	   any  	    |
	   all   	    &
	   one   	    !

So you could write:

	if $x1 ! $x2 ! $x3 == 0 {
	    print "Cubic equation has a unique root\n";


	$nonrepeated = any(@value) == one(@value);


	$second_biggest = any(@value) < one(@value);

None of these makes C<one>/C<!> as essential as C<any> or C<all>, but:

	(a) someone smarter than me will almost certainly
	    find a killer app for C<one>,

	(b) the symmetry of:

		Logical:		&&	||	!!
		Bitwise:		.&	.|	.!
		Superpositional:	 &	 |	 !

	    is important...mnemonically, DWIMically, and aesthetically.



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