On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Adam D. Lopresto wrote:

> > : It's rare enough to need bitwise things in Perl 5 (outside golf).  I'm
> > : hoping that it'll be even rarer in Perl 6, as better interfaces are
> > : designed for the things which at present require flipping individual
> > : bits.
> >
> > I almost wonder if it's wrong to waste ~ on it...
> >
> > That would be an argument for b| and b&, I suppose.
> That looks like about the best.  When rare things get too punctuation-heavy,
> people start to get really confused.

I agree.  b| and b& are the first operators which look good to me.  Most
of the other proposals look like line-noise, and I would hate to have to
start agreeing with perl-detractors.  Bitand and and bitor work for me

~ John Williams

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