On Tue, Oct 08, 2002 at 06:07:09PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
> There's this basic rule that says you can't have an operator for both binary
> and postfix, since it's expecting an operator in either case, rather than a
> term (which is how we recognize prefix operators).  The one exception I can
> think of is that we might allow .. as a postfix operator, but only if followed
> by a right bracket.  That would let us say
>     @a[0..]
> rather than
>     @a[0..Inf]
> But that's a special case.

Would that mean that three other special cases of postfix .. might exist?

0..;   # useful for return 0..;
(0..)  # pass infinite lists as parameters with less typing
{0..}  # not sure, but it follows on

Nicholas Clark

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