On Thursday, October 24, 2002, at 11:22  AM, Larry Wall wrote:
But we also have to balance it against the desirability of using ~ for
concatenation. Requiring whitespace around _ is a bit of a rationalization
after the fact, and ~ escapes that problem in most cases.
So (w/out whitespaces):

  $a~$b       # (1) concat
  $a~=$b      # (2) $a = $a ~ $b
  $a=~$b      # (3) $a = the stringification of $b (using unary ~)

and something similar to the following

  $a ~~ $b     # maybe perl5 =~, the "logical" look
  $a <?> $b    # maybe perl5 =~, the "comparator" look
  $a like $b   # maybe perl5 =~, the "english" look

Hmm, something like that could work.

From: Angel Faus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oh, and =~ looks much more intimidating, which is good, given its..
err.. power.
Well, I was sort of trying to _avoid_ the intimidating part, because Perl is already intimidating, or so we keep hearing. :-) :-) Stop being intimidating!

But in any case (if ~ means concat) I don't think we could sensibly leave =~ as '=~'. I would think we'd want unary ~ to work after '=', which would nix it right there, unless we want required whitespace again. Plus, it's ugly and its parents dress it funny.


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