This is exactly what I wanted .= for.

@array .= splice(2,0,$element);           # in-place, @array = @array.splice
@new = @array.splice(2,0,$element);

$sentence .= lcfirst;

The semantics are pretty clear, then it's just up to the compiler to optimize
it for in-place.  Perhaps functions could override the default 

method splice (...) {  #general function for making a new string

method splice (...) is inplace { #overloading to optimize for in-place

but that might be going a bit too far.

> I would, however, point out that other methods could
> potentially have modify-in-place and a copy-and-modify
> variants:
>       @array.splice(2,0,$element);          # in-place
>       @new = @array.splice(2,0,$element);   # on copy
>       $str.chomp;                           # in-place
>       $new = $str.chomp;                    # on copy
>       $str.lcfirst;                         # in-place
>       $new = $str.lcfirst;                  # on copy
>{ %trans{$^a} });          # in-place
>       @new ={ %trans{$^a} });   # on copy
> So we might want to look for a more general solution.
> Unfortunately, one can't just generalize and use
> void/non-void context to determine the correct behaviour,
> since in-place matches and substitutions still need to
> return their match object:
>       $matched = $str.replace(/foo/ -> { 'bar' });  # in-place
>       $newstr  = $str.replace(/foo/ -> { 'bar' });  # on copy
> One could perhaps change the verb to a participle:
>       @array.splice(2,0,$element);                   # in-place
>       @new = @array.spliced(2,0,$element);           # on copy
>       $str.chomp;                                    # in-place
>       $new = $str.chomped;                           # on copy
>       $str.lcfirst;                                  # in-place
>       $new = $str.lcfirsted;                         # on copy
>{ %trans{$^a} });                   # in-place
>       @new = @array.mapped({ %trans{$^a} });         # on copy
>       $matched = $str.replace(/foo/ -> { 'bar' });   # in-place
>       $newstr  = $str.replaced(/foo/ -> { 'bar' });  # on copy
> but I doubt that would be well accepted. ;-)
> Or one could define a copy-the-invoke method call operator (say, C<+.>):
>       @array.splice(2,0,$element);                   # in-place
>       @new = @array+.splice(2,0,$element);           # on copy
>       $str.chomp;                                    # in-place
>       $new = $str+.chomp;                            # on copy
>       $str.lcfirst;                                  # in-place
>       $new = $str+.lcfirst;                          # on copy
>{ %trans{$^a} });                   # in-place
>       @new ={ %trans{$^a} });           # on copy
>       $matched = $str.replace(/foo/ -> { 'bar' });   # in-place
>       $newstr  = $str+.replace(/foo/ -> { 'bar' });  # on copy
> > In typical topical string usage, that leaves us with
> > 
> >     if .subst/a/b/  {...}
> >     $result = .where/a/b/
> > 
> > That's quite livable, though the second is a bit odd, English-wise.
> > We could even keep around
> > 
> >     s/a/b/
> > 
> > as a shorthand for .subst/a/b/.
> Oh, I definitely think so!
> > And maybe even add
> > 
> >     w/a/b/
> > 
> > as a synonym for .where/a/b/.
> Hmmmmm. *s*ubstitute and *w*eplace. ;-)
> Damian

Adam Lopresto ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

....I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny...

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